Our Mission

The mission of the Hoboken Scouting Fund is to support and advance scouting and the scout experience for Hoboken Scouts while also promoting and nurturing relationships and camaraderie among Hoboken & local Scout alumni, via social networking and outreach-to-alumni programs.

Hoboken Scouting Fund is a 501c3 organization founded in 2024. The specific programs include, but are not limited to:

  • Promote and nurture an ongoing relationship and camaraderie among Hoboken scout alumni, via social networking and outreach-to-alumni programs,
  • Organize and support alumni programs with the purpose of enhancing the programs and activities of Hoboken troops and packs,
  • Collection of donations and deployment of such donations toward programs that have long term benefits for Hoboken troops and packs,
  • Collection of donations and deployment of such donations toward Eagle projects when requested by Eagle scout candidates,
  • Assist, as necessary, in the annual chartering process of Hoboken troops and packs,
  • Provide a qualified, tax exempt 501(c) 3 organization to assist Hoboken troops and packs in authorized charitable and fundraising activities,
  • Provide a qualified, tax exempt organization to collect and hold long term assets donated to Hoboken troops and packs,
  • Create and/or administer specific charitable campership or scholarship programs,
  • Develop and support Hoboken troop- and pack- related public charity programs: a) authorized under the Corporate Charter and b) within the scope of Internal Revenue guidelines related to 501(c) 3 organizations.